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Divorce Modification Services in South Carolina
Understanding the Need for Divorce Modifications in South Carolina
A substantial change in circumstances is typically the primary basis for seeking an alteration to the original divorce settlement. This often involves a person's income and its relationship to alimony or child support payments. However, several additional factors can also be taken into account.
For instance, losing a job is a valid reason to request lower payment amounts, but the reason behind the job loss can impact the court's decision. A layoff due to no fault of their own may have a stronger case than someone who was consistently absent or quit. Similarly, a person who took a lower-paying job for personal fulfillment may have made an admirable decision, but the burden will likely not be made to fall on an ex-spouse who needs the alimony and child support.
The permanence of the income loss is also a consideration. A laid-off person with realistic prospects for finding a comparable job soon may not need support modification.
Another possibility is that modification requests may come from the spouse receiving payments if a child develops medical issues that require additional expenses.
Geographic relocations are another cause for modification petitions. For example, a custodial parent may receive a better job offer outside of the area or start a relationship with someone living elsewhere. In either case, new divorce settlement terms may be required for them to take children beyond a specific geographic perimeter.
Contact Gillen & Pickelsimer, LLC, and tell our Rock Hills modifications attorneys about the circumstances that have you or someone you love needing relief from the terms of an existing settlement.
Call (866) 977-5251 or contact us online today to schedule a consultation.
"He is definitely someone who knows what they are talking about, extremely smart, but also truly cared what happened at the end of the day."
- Melissa -
"My case was difficult and Mr. Gillen and his staff were very supportive and helped me through each step of the process."
- Kristina -
"His straight forward, no nonsense, practical approach to handling the issues faced by my family was greatly appreciated and he produced excellent results."
- John -
"Max was great at helping me keep things in perspective as he confidently directed me to focus my energy on my children while he focused his energy on the litigation."
- Former Client